Sunday, February 19, 2012

Research and discoveries

Many cogent accurate discoveries accept been fabricated application the Arecibo telescope. On 7 April 1964, anon afterwards it began operations, Gordon Pettengill's aggregation acclimated it to actuate that the circling amount of Mercury was not 88 days, as ahead thought, but alone 59 days.15 In 1968, the analysis of the aeon of the Crab Pulsar (33 milliseconds) by Lovelace and others provided the aboriginal solid affirmation that neutron stars exist.16 In 1974, Hulse and Taylor apparent the aboriginal bifold pulsar PSR B1913+16,17 an ability for which they after accustomed the Nobel Prize in Physics. In 1982, the aboriginal millisecond pulsar, PSR B1937+21, was apparent by Donald C. Backer, Shrinivas Kulkarni, Carl Heiles, Michael Davis, and Miller Goss.18 This article spins 642 times per second, and until the analysis of PSR J1748-2446ad in 2005, it was the fastest-spinning pulsar known.

In August 1989, the anchor anon beheld an asteroid for the aboriginal time in history: 4769 Castalia.19 The afterward year, Polish astronomer Aleksander Wolszczan fabricated the analysis of pulsar PSR B1257+12, which after led him to ascertain its three orbiting planets and a accessible comet.2021 These were the aboriginal extra-solar planets discovered. In 1994, John Harmon acclimated the Arecibo radio telescope to map the administration of ice in the poles of Mercury.22

In January 2008, apprehension of prebiotic molecules methanimine and hydrogen cyanide were appear from Arecibo Anchor radio spectroscopy abstracts of the abroad starburst galaxy Arp 220.23

edit Other usage

The telescope aswell had aggressive intelligence uses; a part of them, analysis Soviet alarm installations by audition their signals bouncing off the Moon.

Arecibo is aswell the antecedent of abstracts for the SETI@home and Astropulse broadcast accretion projects put advanced by the Space Sciences Laboratory at the University of California, Berkeley and was acclimated for the SETI Institute's Project Phoenix observations.24

In 1974, the Arecibo message, an attack to acquaint with abeyant exoteric life, was transmitted from the radio telescope against the annular array M13, about 25,000 light-years away.25 The 1,679 bit arrangement of 1s and 0s authentic a 23 by 73 pixel bitmap angel that included numbers, stick figures, actinic formulas, and a awkward angel of the telescope itself.26 Terrestrial aeronomy abstracts cover the Coqui 2 experiment.

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